1288 Mohawk Rd, Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9 | 905.648.4747


Archives by: ChedokeAdmin

House Soiling in Cats

If your cat has started to urinate or defecate outside of their litter box, you’re not alone.  This issue is the number one source of behaviour-related complaints from cat owners.  Fortunately, you can solve this problem if your patient and make adjustments to convince the cat to start using their litter box appropriately again. The first step is a trip […]


People Foods to Avoid

Part of being a loving dog or cat owner is sharing your heart, home… and sometimes food with your pet. While it may be hard to resist the big eyes and longing stare, as they beg you to share your food, before you give in, be sure to check the list of foods you should absolutely avoid giving your pet. […]


Diseases and Conditions helped by Nutritional Support

The following are just a few examples of the many conditions, life stages, and diseases that can be helped through the use of proper nutrition and therapeutic diets. Bladder Stones A wide variety of bladder conditions, ranging from inflammation to crystals to stones can be aided by nutritional therapy. In general, these diets are designed to either prevent the formation […]


Misconceptions About Pet Diets

Corn is a filler and causes significant allergies in pets This has been shown to be untrue. In a study of 297 dogs, only 4% had a corn allergy. In fact, dogs are most commonly allergic to (in descending order): beef, dairy, wheat, egg, chicken, lamb/mutton, soy, pork, rabbit and fish. In cats, the culprits are beef, dairy, fish, lamb, […]


Obesity in Dogs and Cats

Obesity has become an extremely important health problem in the Western world, not just for humans but for dogs and cats as well. Obesity in pets is associated with joint problems, diabetes mellitus, respiratory compromise, and decreased life span. Recent studies show approximately 60% of dogs and cats in the U.S. are classified as obese or overweight, making obesity an […]


Nutritionally balanced diet

Everybody wants to feed their pet a healthy and nutritious diet. But what exactly does “nutritionally balanced” really mean? This term can be very confusing. According to AAFCO (a certifying agency that publishes guidelines to minimize the risk of malnutrition in animals), the term balanced “may be applied to a diet, ration, or feed having all known required nutrients in […]


Leptospirosis in Dogs – Now a Core Vaccine at Chedoke Animal Hospital

As a result of the increasing levels of Leptospirosis being reported in Ontario, and the devastating disease it can cause, we are now making Leptospirosis a CORE vaccine in our vaccine protocol for dogs and puppies at our clinic. We understand that this is not a commonly discussed topic, so here are the most frequently asked questions regarding Lepto: What […]


Pet Rats

Rats are often thought of as scary-looking, disease-carrying pests. The truth, however, is that they really have a bad rap! Pet rats are curious, fun-loving, silly animals with a wide range of personality types! If you can get past the initial “ew” and get to know them, they will steal your heart. However, before deciding to add one to your […]


Hot Weather and Pets

HOT WEATHER AND DOGSThis time of the year can be great fun for the whole family. Finally, we can get outside, enjoy the sunshine, and take part in outside activities. With this,however, we need to take precautions with our dogs.Dogs have very limited ability to sweat (like humans do), when faced with rising temperatures. A dog’s normal body temperature is […]


Poisoning Emergencies

While we don’t want to think about it, accidental poisonings in pets sometimes happen.  Dogs and cats can get into any number of things around the house, or on a walk, often before we have a chance to stop them.  Insecticides, pesticides, rat poison, drugs, plants, and even certain foods are just a few of the things that can be […]