1288 Mohawk Rd, Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9 | 905.648.4747


Pet Care

People Foods to Avoid

Part of being a loving dog or cat owner is sharing your heart, home… and sometimes food with your pet. While it may be hard to resist the big eyes and longing stare, as they beg you to share your food, before you give in, be sure to check the list of foods you should absolutely avoid giving your pet. […]


Diseases and Conditions helped by Nutritional Support

The following are just a few examples of the many conditions, life stages, and diseases that can be helped through the use of proper nutrition and therapeutic diets. Bladder Stones A wide variety of bladder conditions, ranging from inflammation to crystals to stones can be aided by nutritional therapy. In general, these diets are designed to either prevent the formation […]