1288 Mohawk Rd, Ancaster, ON L9G 3K9 | 905.648.4747


Archives by: ChedokeAdmin

Keeping those teeth clean

As pet owners, we are always striving to provide the best care for our four- legged children.  We take them to the doctor when they are sick, feed them the food we feel is the best and give them unconditional love. Let’s talk about the health of your pet’s teeth.  Is there an odour? Are they discoloured? Are they crowded? […]


Senior blood work and why

It seems like it was just yesterday when you brought your little ball of fluff home to become a part of the family. This could have been when they were just 8 weeks old or, if you were lucky to find them when they were older. Regardless of when your pet became a part of your life, you have always […]